@HOPE FOUNDATION we hope that people become motivated by this article to make a change in the isiolo by donations. It is just amazing what can happen if everyone works together! Get out there, do something! urgent donations to Hope Foundation

HOPE FOUNDATION. Ibrahim Musa WARIO (Ibrata.) Executive director. Sincere message and plead to kinnoye people and isiolo county at large Dear elites,middle class, business people and Community in general, Can we please for heaven's sake cease from discussing politics and do what we have to do in serving HUMANITY? I plead with the admins of different social forums to take Fighting hunger with the weight it has and encourage members to contribute to this Noble course,...we have been discussing politics and politicians since elections with no single positive effect to the society, urgent situations calls for urgent measures...can we take allitle bit of social collective responsibilities and make this fundraising/donations our topics of discussion for a week or two? Is this really too much to ask? Wherever your destiny has taken you ,do you remember where you came from? Those of you from kinnoye "thath bisani" does it ever came into your mind how our childhood lives looked ...