@HOPE FOUNDATION we hope that people become motivated by this article to make a change in the isiolo by donations. It is just amazing what can happen if everyone works together! Get out there, do something! urgent donations to Hope Foundation

Ibrahim Musa WARIO (Ibrata.)
Executive director.

Sincere message and plead  to kinnoye people and isiolo county at large 

Dear elites,middle class, business people and Community in general,

Can we please for heaven's sake cease from discussing politics and do what we have to do in serving HUMANITY?
I plead with the admins of different social forums to take Fighting hunger with the weight it has and encourage members to contribute to this Noble course,...we have been discussing politics and politicians since elections with no single positive effect to the society, urgent situations calls for urgent measures...can we take allitle bit of social collective responsibilities and make this fundraising/donations our topics of discussion for a week or two?
Is this really too much to ask?

Wherever your destiny has taken you ,do you remember where you came from? Those of you from kinnoye "thath bisani" does it ever came into your mind how our childhood lives looked liked?As a proud son of Kinna,daraja village I can vividly remember what our childhood life looked like, back then there was plenty of water in every corner of Kinna, the famous terejan was full of water where children from every corner came there to swim,...each and every family had a little garden in there shambas and compounds ,we couldn't sleep hungry because there was plenty of small farm produce every where, sugarcane(miwas) pawpaw,mandizi and grains..like food was everywhere ...atleast every family had a cow or two for milking,we use to run to our boma's every Friday to drink fresh cow milk,... mostly "usmaili" and "Bibi" was famous boma's.then we grew up pretty first and we left our precious kinnoye to follow our dreams and all-over sudden climate change and kinna become Soo dry..it wasn't thesame again.you know 
Our memory works like the reload button of a computer. We need to refresh the memory from time to time, if it is important to us, otherwise that memory will be lost forever.and I think most of us lost our childhood memories for good,once we are ok with our little income and business we completely forgotten where we came from.
Many of us looking good now passed through a very tough life,to be honest at that moment we didn't see it's a hardship or suffering it was our normal daily life and yes it was difficult but it prepared us to be what we are today,strong and able to resist and overcome every Storm of our lives without complaining,I am proud of my past and so are you.

But as a human being one has to look back to where he/she came from and give back to our society,..we were lucky our time there was plenty of something to eat, but now things have changed completely, the sources of water have dried up and our parents who use to feed us with fresh farm produce needs money to feed generation after us, the deadly drought seasons come and all our cattles are gone all-over sudden,..now most of our people expecialy orphans are languishing in abstract pooverty never experienced before...
We have neglected each other for quite a long time, now the lovely kinnoye has become a drug zone for teenagers and kinna is no longer a peaceful place to live....resent cases of brothers stabbing each other with nifes in a broad daylight has become a norm now.. just the other day our brother Maulid Chief Hame(Malk) was stabed around 4:00pm in town and he is steal in hospital bed recovering may Allah give him quick shifaa in shaa Allah,,teenagers physically abusing their parents is very common now..all this changes was brought about by poverty, neglect and hard drugs that is being supplied in large quantities...how can elites and leaders abandone their society this much?
Imagine a life where all that was thought about was “when will I eat next” or “will I survive through the night”? Life is that difficult for our needy people nowadays there are very many children who only take a meal like once in two to three days as reported by HOPE Foundation team on the ground. The farm produce that was there then is no longer there now .those whom their doors of success have been opened by Allah never looked back, while your in town paying a school fees of over 100k for your kindergarten children other children are starving of hunger ,while your family is throwing away leftovers others children back at home are sleeping hungry... how can we forget that easly?is the question I always ask myself.
When coming up with the idea of forming HOPE FOUNDATION we experienced the horrible poverty situations our people are in this days gave us sleepless nights.so we decided to come up with a plan to feed those most vulnerable families...the evidence of that little distribution of foodstuffs you all have seen, now the biggest nightmare is there are dozens of hungry families in our society and since they noticed we provided food,others with even more complicated situations are reaching out to us to feed them...if you have never received a call from  single mothers With nothing to feed their children,you haven't seen what stress is my friends,.
..it's because of this that we @HOPE FOUNDATION came up with urgent fundraising program through a pay bill number, to feed more hungry families whom most are Orphans,as we are talking there is a mother with four orphans below the age of 10 years whom the agency she rented a house from have closed and thrown her out of the house with her kids,just because she couldn't pay 3 month rent which now totaled 7500ksh.nobody knows where they are sleeping now .can you even imgn while some of us are spending a thousand and above a day with a family of 3 or 4 people..while some of us are living luxurious lives and paying rent of over 100k per month.
HOPE FOUNDATION's plan to  eliminate  hunger in isiolo  is quite a large one, but we believe anything is possible if people set their minds to it. Think about that little boy or girl in isiolo,kinna,GT or Merti , that is starving because their parents can't afford food. A famous woman once said that “natural disasters such as severe droughts, earthquakes, and tropical storms, and the disruption they cause to agriculture and food distribution, contribute to the hunger crisis. Drought, for example, is now the single most common cause of acute food shortages in isiolo. People, who account for up to 80 percent of the kinnoye farmers, are hit doubly hard: first by the loss of sustenance; second by the loss of income through which they can purchase food from alternative supplies.” they are  saying that there are so many reasons why starvation is occurring all-over isiolo. Starvation is everywhere and we need to put an end to it as soon as we can. It has taken enough lives as it is. If we all got together, then this dream of no hunger could actually be a reality I  shaa Allah! We can do this if we really try!..just donate to HOPE FOUNDATION  if you're blessed with more by Allaah....I personally believe if all those Working and doing business donate to this course together we can bring alot of changes as we work on Long term plan to eradicate pooverty in future in shaa Allah.
To all the kinnoye youth working across the country donate a little portion of your income..#IsioliansFoisiolians
Those living in different cities this is the time your Community needs you the most.
Do the right thing.
paybill number 4030435
Account number: HOPE FOUNDATION.
Don't let this months payslips just Carter for you alone.share please.


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