Ibrahim Musa wario.
The Thumb Rule to Serve Humanity
Help Ever, Hurt Never.

Our life turns useless from the very moment we stop thinking about the well being of others. Nowadays, humanity seems to have reached its lowest point when it comes to morality and ethical values. You pick up a newspaper, the news of murders, kidnapping, theft and deception are everywhere. We turn on a TV set to have more of such pathetic incidents as killing by terrorists, people dying due to road rage, the innocents being killed everywhere for no reasons.

It is high time we must do something to save humanity from going to the dogs. We should stop being confined to our personal problems and look beyond that at issues of larger interest. Do right ‘deed’ for yourself and for others. If you do something good for someone, it comes back to you in one form or other. People remember you for your deeds and for what you did for society. Serve humanity to liberate yourself from the complex web of life. Join us @ HOPE FOUNDATION. and donate as little as possible
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0790 541173
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