Service to humanity,.. helping the needy and orphans ..meant for greatness.unity for purpose

Service to humanity,.. helping the needy and orphans ..meant for greatness.unity for purpose



Aslm aleikum.

I hope this massage finds you well.

At this time of overwhelming demand for humanitarian responses, our focus is surely on how the needy,ophans, street children and disadvantaged group in our society's opportunities to get access to basic necessities and education is made easy for them by averting more productive actions.And that is ISIOLO INTERGRATED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE, whose sole purpose is to uplift the lives of as many as possible orphans,needy, disadvantaged group and street children in isiolo county.

Please read to the end and pass on this massage to help me help those in need.

All we are trying is to do is to welcome you'all on board to persue a humanitarian course aimed at uplifting the lives of orphans,needy and valnurable members of our society in isiolo county.

And we hambly do Soo with Politeness coz politeness is the flower of humanity, we do so praying for your health first then maxime lagace wisdom together
Because our county is the world, and our religion of Islam teaches us to do good.
We do believe there is uncountable number of good human beings who are warm hearted affectionate individuals whom their fundamental belief is to be kind among ourselves.And it's our believe that once we take the lead so you will come on board and help us achieve this dream

We have passed the era of sitting back and wait for politicians to solve all our problems ,we just hope they find it in their heart to come on board and help where they can also, we dont judge people, coz once we do that we have no time to love them. Even those we use to criticize so harshly.

Our ultimate goal is to Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people. And everyone feeling thesame is one of us.all we have to do is to be kind to one another and act as an agent to come up with a way to seek generosity from blessed members of our society to help those disadvantaged fellas whom have been neglected.We believe kindness is the best form of humanity.

This dream being our ultimate goal we are not in anyway fearful about what we are doing because it is the right thing to do.I do believe that the next evolutionary step for humankind is to move from man to kind. And we have been humankind all our lives so it's now time for us to move to kind now.
They say, "
Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others."we have stood up for ourselves all our lives from childhood,to education and persuing our dream,to working and running business for ourselves and our families, therefore made ourselves strong through the years now it's time to be stronger by helping others who didn't get the opportunity to make themselves strong like ourselves.

Humanity should be our race love and peace should religion as Muslim society,and people with wisdom and good heart of helping others should be our friends people walking nature
To help thier brothers in need.
Those who know that the more we take, the less there is for future generation.

All we need to have is a sense of duty toward all people and an attachment to those with whom we have become intimate. We found
Humanity when its only scratched the surface of its real potential.and if we can't take it from there to practice it to the fullest and leave a better environment for our next generation then who else do we expect to do the right thing for us.?
As we are planning to take this huge mission all we have is hope and we are determined to make very small profoundly capable big things ,we believe and we have a dream we can in shaa Allah.
And as we are planning to undertake this journey,we know there will be alot of rejection and name calling but we are not concerned with liking or disliking us by selfish people… All we ask is to be respected as a human beings.
To Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, to help our course no matter how small the contribution.
One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. And I believe may be this little effort we are about to take might be the reason many orphans have a smile on their face and eventually get everything they deserve.

I believe Each of us must work for our own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity.
It's only by having good morals and going out of our comfort zone to work hard that we grow and help ouselves first before helping others moral courage is the highest expression of humanity.
It's kinda strange everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Youth have to work on bettering their lives first and I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.its never too late to take a u turn and do what you gara do for your's never too late.
Lastly how about we do good for ourselves and those around us?
You know the simplest way to be happy is to do good.period .then everything else will fall to it's right places..

Mahatma Gandhi said
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed..let's share our blessings with less fortunate it will be accounted for us by Allah S.W.and may be it will be the reason for us to enter paradise in shaa Allah.


You can contact us on

Twitter:      Ibrahim Musa
Facebook. Ibra Farsi
WhatsApp  0706320498



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