we cannot do a kindness too soon, for we never know how soon it will be too late.its time to play our part .

Good Morning everybody,

I am ibrata 

and today I want to talk to you all about our most valued personality trait. And I have chosen to tell you about being kind again .According to Mark Twain “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

“Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.” says George Sand, a French novelist and memoirist.

All these wonderful successful people have left a legacy for us to follow, that to with great pride. Whatever may be happening around you, however difficult the times are or a situation may be, what you do and what you give to make it better, makes all the difference.we are about to make that difference and we need your full support

Kindness is the quality that each one of us must cherish and allow to flourish within us. Let it nurture, so we can make each soul we touch upon, a happy soul. By simply sharing, giving to others unconditionally is a way to be kind and generous. It is one quality that is possessed by big-hearted people only. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of patience to be kind to people, especially to the ones who are orphans being neglected for a long time, if you haven't given attention to the plight of our orphans and witnessed how society have neglected them then it's time you open your eyes and see the real struggle those kids are facing.

Kind people are usually those for whom the decisions are to be taken, not just materialistically. For them the humanity comes first. Their objectives are clear and inclusive. Kind souls are humble, thankful and full of love and care. Presence of such people makes others compassionate and caring. They lead by example and usually are trendsetters, for they are courageous and motivated enough to do good without any external poking or reminding. They look for opportunity to serve and help. To be around such people is always a blessing, as there is a lot to learn from them. There is always a beginning. If I haven’t bothered myself with feeling empathy for others, and trying to do some good, it certainly does not mean that I am not capable. I can always change, if for good! And it usually takes a paradigm shift from being carefree & indifferent to being loving, caring and kind. A new mindset altogether! So people all I am saying is that if I want to live in a better world then I have to work towards it. I cannot sit around thinking, someone else is doing well, and I don’t need to.

This reminds me of a famous Akbar-Birbal story, in which a minister suggests to his Emperor Akbar, testing all the employees of the palace, as to who is honest and who is not. Birbal suggests a way. He gets the palace garden pond emptied and asks Akbar to command each one to bring a jug full of milk and pour it in the pond at night. It will bring good omen to the kingdom. And then when it was checked in the morning, the pond was filled with water. In the court, when asked; the ministers, with faces pulled down in shame; admit to the guilt that they thought, “What would it matter if I won’t pour milk rest everyone else will, so no one will know.” That is what happens with us in our life too. We think someone else will be kind, I can skip. And this has led to a world full of misery and want.lets be Be kind; and stop  waiting for another to do so.

In beautiful words from John Joseph Powell –

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” and that mirror has to be needy orphans whom we are going to bring to your attention and give you an opportunity for you to contribute to this essential course of humanity.

Thank you & have a nice day!

May Allah guide and help us .

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Twitter:      Ibrahim Musa
Facebook. Ibra Farsi
WhatsApp  0706320498


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