HOPE FOUNDATION, HOPES FOR HUMANITY.....Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant on its behalf.
There is a certain indulgence in humanity. Simply thinking about humanity or discussing it in a debate on whether humanity is lost or not, is simply not going to help.We are one big family and Its is up to us to get up and take some actions when it comes to our society's well-being. Being human doesn’t mean we have to go out and start helping all the beggars out there by distributing money. That is simply not the idea that I am trying to convey. Humanity is all about being present at the right moment to help those who are in dire need of it, without expecting something in return. Not even a simple thank you! This is what humanity is about!This is borantity,this is brotherhood,this is sisterhood ,this is what we must do and this is what HOPE FOUNDATION found its basis to exist and inviting each and everyone of you to become part of. We at HOPE FOUNDATION believe in helping those in need at the Right Moment, for Nobody can Do Anything when it is Too Late. If we...