HOPE FOUNDATION, HOPES FOR HUMANITY.....Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant on its behalf.

There is a certain indulgence in humanity. Simply thinking about humanity or discussing it in a debate on whether humanity is lost or not, is simply not going to help.We are one big family and  Its is up to us  to get up and take some actions when it comes to our society's well-being.

Being human doesn’t mean we have to go out and start helping all the beggars out there by distributing money. That is simply not the idea that I am trying to convey.

Humanity is all about being present at the right moment to help those who are in dire need of it, without expecting something in return. Not even a simple thank you! This is what humanity is about!This is borantity,this is brotherhood,this is sisterhood ,this is what we must do and this is what HOPE FOUNDATION found its basis to exist and inviting each and everyone of you to become part of.

We at HOPE FOUNDATION believe in helping those in need  at the Right Moment, for Nobody can Do Anything when it is Too Late.

If we see someone stranded out in a place, and no help seems to come his/her way, we must go and give them directions. If we see someone drenched in heavy rain, we have to help them out. Let's Show humanity by helping the person at the right moment. For when a moment is missed, it is missed out forever.

One thing is for sure and that is that  the suffering will end one day. Whether we want to help out a person lessen his/her suffering, or simply wait and watch till it ends by itself is totally up to us!we just have to make the right decisions.

Surely There is Peace in Humanity for it Soothes the Soul of the Oppressed

When we help others, a certain warmth engulfs our hearts. It is our souls feeling blessed for the right thing that we did, for the difference we made to  someone's life. We must never let that feeling go away for such feelings are rare and are totally precious!by helping a few members of our society for sometime now, we @HOPE FOUNDATION can attest to this and wish to have all of you on board for this great act of humanity..Also you don't have to join us to fulfill this just do it on your own if you can..thank me later.

Times have changed quite a lot. Everybody nowadays is least of the bit concerned about how they make another person feel. What we lack is humanity and empathy towards the ones we know the least, our relatives,our neighbors ,the elderly in our society ,the most vulnerable and even the orphans. For, everyone of us focuses on our  own personal struggles, forgetting that others are suffering too, dealing with the same hell but with a different devil altogether!

@ HOPE FOUNDATION We are determined to Make a Difference to our society at least no matter how small, and we urge everyone to be Human for once!

Most often times, we get focused on ourselves so much that literally everything, every single thing seems to revolve around our own selfish needs. Sadly, it is a true fact, that despite all our efforts to change, the selfish feeling never seems to go away.

We fail to recognize the struggles which the other person is going through for everybody is now a master at hiding pain and displaying fake smiles. However, together we can make a difference!

We believe that there is a certain good in everybody and try our level best to be nice to people and not only  help them where we can but even if we can’t help them in any way we atleast be nice. For This will make the day of those long lost suffering souls for real!

Humanity is a Feeling Achieved only by the Unselfish

I am not telling you to leave thinking about yourself completely and start indulging in helping others. I am saying we have to be a little empathetic towards others and their sufferings. All of them are fighting battles we know nothing of.

So,why can't we  be a little nice to people and spread smile atleast on everyone’s face. All it takes is a loving heart and a compassionate mind for faith in humanity to be restored. My plead to our professionals down country,the business people ,the learned fellas and those in position of leadership is that for all we know the little positive things we might do for our needy and vulnerable members of our society might actually make a difference to their lives and give them hope for their seemingly bleak future!@HOPE FOUNDATION we are here to continue the steps we  have taken in positively contributing to our society ,changing lives and empowering our people with our actions no matter how small and we beg each and everyone willing and able to join hands with us in doing so.I believe POSITIVE ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN NEGATIVE NOTHING.


 HOPE Foundation executive director.


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