HOPE FOUNDATION....the voice of the voiceless.

Greetings all
Ibrahim Musa wario , executive director hope foundation.

Humanity message to all who are willing to read/hear and ready to take part in humanitarian courses we at hope foundation are determined to undertake for our people against all odds.

First of all we have been crying for change since we were kids..and my question is for how long are we going cry for this change we'll have been yearning for? Time is always against us and we keep crying and playing victims ,generation after generation? It doesn't make sense,  this Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. I mean that's what we have been doing the whole time.we must wake up and act no matter how little because I believe we are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.no more waiting, we must try doing now .. anyway what options do we have rather than trying things that was never tried by our previous generation in search for our quest of change?

We all Imagine a life where all that was thought about was “when will I eat next” or “will I survive through the night”?since we have been there before even if things might have changed a little bit for some of us who are lucky ,trust me  Life have been  so difficult for most of us at some point in time and it's only fair of us most especially the learned and professional fellas from a place like my home town (kinnoye) to look back and remember where we came from. The hardship,the hunger, how could we possibly forget the situations that made us into the persons we are today? How comes we failed to look back at the dozens of families suffering at our home town? The orphans?the less fortunate?the disabled? Our aunts and uncles?our neighbors? The sick elderly members of our society? Come-on guys we can't be such inhumane sons and daughters of our soil..we might not notice but guys hunger is not a fashion but a reality in our villages like kinna....i personal came across a disabled widow with eight children.imgine she is disabled and couldn't work yet 8 primary school children are waiting for her to feed them at the end of the day!!!!!I I mean it's not her fault she is in that situation and yet we the more privileged members of our society have completely abandoned them, since we have plenty on our table so we don't care?.how saddening is this situation? while our children are playing with foods in the city our disabled mother's with orphans are sleeping hungry just behind our parents home...the orphans in our villages are walking bear foots to school with worn-out school uniforms...the sons and daughters of people whom we use to call aunts and uncles while growing up!!! Those whom we were called and informed of their deaths by our parents and we rush to ushago to rest them...their families are sleeping hungry while our childrens are playing with foods and consuming more than they need! remember those uncles and aunts of ours my Allah have mercy on them use to carry us on their backs while we were kids!!
It's all this burning thought that lead us to come up with This plan to eliminate  hunger in isiolo a plan which   is quite a large one,+HOPE FOUNDATION+ but we believe anything is possible if people set their minds to it. Think about that little boy or girl in isiolo,kinna,GT or Merti , that is starving because their parents can't afford food. A famous woman once said that “natural disasters such as severe droughts, earthquakes, and tropical storms, and the disruption they cause to agriculture and food distribution, contribute to the hunger crisis. Drought, for example, is now the single most common cause of acute food shortages in the isiolo. People, who account for up to 80 percent of the kinnoye farmers, are hit doubly hard: first by the loss of sustenance; second by the loss of income through which they can purchase food from alternative supplies.” they are  saying that there are so many reasons why starvation is occurring all over isiolo. Starvation is everywhere and we need to put an end to it as soon as we can.believe me It has taken enough lives as it is. If we all got together, then this dream of no hunger could actually be a reality! We can do this if we really try!

While growing up in our lovely town of Kinnoye for example,there was plenty to eat from the farms regardless of the owners, those who attended Galga Dido primary school can bear me witness, we don't even go home for lunch then, we just run in to the farms nearby and had our meal of the day.there was plenty of farm produce from pawpaw to sugarcane to guava and maize grains....now the sources of water like qanchorathi and abul wahab is almost drying up , literally all the farms we use to run to have dried up and there is nothing to easen that severe hunger for our primary school kids...

Before almost each and every family in kinna use to have cows around.and their was plenty of milk in the villages .I can still remember we use to rush home on Fridays so that we can visit the bomas a good example is a place like 'usmaili and "simamwendo" without forgetting 'bibi" ,back then each and every household use to walk to those nereby places to fecht their daily milk...And you all can bear me witness how those places that is used to be our bomas looks like now.

Now here comes Covid-19 pandemic that is affecting each and everyone in this country; and you can imagine the situations of those less fortunate in our villages.There is too much to say guys, I can't possibly put everything down but my point is we have to look back to where we came from and do what we gara do for those largely affected families in our villages....this is the basis of Hope foundation .we are determined to do whatever it is we have to do even if it means helping only one needy family ..we are ready are you?


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