we must stop this destruction of our younger generation now.

Greetings from kinnoye.
From IBRATA to kinna people,
From the bottom of my heart, as a son of the soil I with alot of pain wish to inform you' ll the destruction of funour young generation by our society at a very high and alarming rate...what I have been witnessing during my 2 days visit home is insane and we have to really do something ASAP...More than 55 school girls being impregnated and forced to undergo abortion in a period of 6 months is not ordinary act of immorality for God's sake .. Apparently more than 55 lives have been brutally murdered by "INGERAA" In collaboration with their so called parents or other associate's in case the ladies involved manages to hide this evil acts from their parents.
There is something worse than obvious immorality and that is false morality which is a norm nowadays...I was worried about the rate at which we have been lusing our young boys in the hand of "bhang" dealers now this!And we expect rain from above with all this immoral madness? This is why the temperature is abnormal in kinna.

I just arrived in kinnoye my lovely home town the other day but the level of immorality happening here at home in now is just hurtful. The level at which my beloved community here at home are destroying it's future generations is at its peak! Indeed it's an alarming and really emergency situation. I believe the apocalypse didn't happen overnight. The world didn't end in a satisfying climax of explosive special effects. It was slow. It was boring. It was one little thing at a time. One moral compromise, one abandoned ideal, one more justified injustice. No dramatic wave of destruction sweeping across the world, just scattered spots of rot forming throughout the decades, seemingly isolated incidents until the moment they all merged.unfortunately, these destruction in my society is not in a slow motion anymore,...from bhang consumption to impregnation of young school children to abortion of these! I was shocked to hear that the cases of young school girls being impregnated is more than 55 and that's the ones known to public...of which all underwent abortion...But the most shocking news is apart from world vision whom seems to interfere when abortion cases gets out of hand and child's life is at risk nobody else seems to bother .from religious leaders,elders,the learned, business people,local government officials and leaders have turned a blind eyes on these emergency situations.its really making me sick...how comes we turned out to be such inhumane society is what I wonder.

How sad it is to ignore such serious cases by this doomed society?I find something repulsive about the idea of vicarious redemption. I would not throw my numberless sins onto a scapegoat and expect them to pass from me; we rightly sneer at the barbaric societies that practice this unpleasantness in its literal form. There's no moral value in the vicarious gesture anyway. As Thomas Paine pointed out, you may if you wish take on a another man's debt, or even to take his place in prison. That would be self-sacrificing. But you may not assume his actual crimes as if they were your own; for one thing you did not commit them and might have died rather than do so; for another this impossible action would rob him of individual responsibility. So the whole apparatus of absolution and forgiveness also know as"maslai" where if such cases as impregnation of our young school girls is brought to public notice a meeting is held by elders to ignore such a crime and let go of the culprit even if the case is "RAPE", strikes me as positively immoral, while the concept of revealed truth degrades the concept of free intelligence by purportedly relieving us of the hard task of working out the ethical principles for ourselves.,This barbarian act makes the perpetrators of these immoral action continue to take advantage of our young girls.

Young girls are like helpless children in the hands of amorous men, whatever is said to them is true and whatever manipulation on their bodies seems like love to them, sooner or later, they come back to their senses, but the scars are not dead in astmuch as her spoiler lives.

Something needs to be done the community here need to have a very serious consequences on this issue.every social media need to discuss this issue.every sons and daughters of kinna need to have this discussion whenever they meet .This thing must stop.


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