Greetings my great people of isiolo county,
To continue from where I left, I'm writing to highlight more on how the so called Isiolo county MCA's are the ones Have destroyed isiolo instead of saving our great county.

This article is unique, because, to my knowledge, it presents the first systematic assessment of credibility at the our county level, 
using ministry-level data for all counties. Other global assessments discuss budget credibility at the subnational 
level (i.e., such as PEFA assessments, discussed ), but there are few systematic comparative subnational 
assessments of the type I carried out in understanding the depth of damage these greedy fellas have caused over the years. I just  hope this article sheds light on questions of interest and educates all isiolo county residents...I concentrated on isiolo county  budget credibility which I touched before in my previous article because I know that's the one and only root cause of our problems.
To what extent do Isiolo county government  deliver on its budget promises? I ask this question mainly 
with respect to the composition of the budget, though i also look at overall revenue and expenditure. Which 
sectors of the budget tend to be spent as budgeted, and which tend to receive more or less than what was 
allocated? By comparison meaning comparing our county with other counties ,wthat patterns do we observe across different counties, and to what extent can we identify common 
factors that relate to credibility?
Overall,my analysis shows that while budget credibility is a challenge in Kenya’s counties isiolo county budget credibility is far from worse my people.our budget credibility is low overall (85
percent), but this is driven by much worse credibility on development spending (below 40 percent, on average). 
Challenges are especially notable in sectors with high development spending like roads, water, and agriculture, 
though health budgets are also consistently underspent, achieving only an average of like 30 percent budget execution 
over the two-year period i investigated.if you didn't know I have to let you know that un imaginable amount of money meant for development return to national treasury at the end of every financial year from our poor county just because the isiolo county MCA's can't formulate any developments policies and projects.

From my research and study it's clear that overall tendency to underspend on capital, cannot explain distributional changes during the year between 
ministries, nor does it clearly explain changes over time in execution rates. It is also not the case, As they claim. for example to understand the budget credibility I had to do some research on all the 47 counties, and I realized that 
the counties that are the poorest like ours or the largest, or that receive the most from national transfers, or the least from 
their own revenues, are the least credible. And all this incredible case is caused by MCA's having been greedy and being clueless on how to formulate development policies for betterment of the society.All they can do is to set their salaries and abnormal allowances. 

I wonder , you know isiolo county did 
not follow a consistent pattern over the 2 years of data i  studied.And the poor results is thesame over the years.
Evidence of justifications: i attempted to collect additional data and carry out interviews with our county officials to 
understand better the reasons for low our budget credibility, building on the information I gathered .
 This proved challenging. As is the case with the data I have , and as we have also found in other settings, our COUNTY
government officials struggle (or are unwilling) to provide reasons for low credibility that are specific and can 
explain the damage being made. as opposed to general explanations they give us.
 For example, reasons related to government systems may 
well be valid, but our county leaders lack specificity that can explain why particular parts of the budget are implemented while 
others are not, or why there is variation from year to year in the same sector, when all of this activity passes 
through the same systems.and performance being poor as usual.Imgn our our salaries and wages part of the budget is always implemented 💯 while we only implement a quarter of the resources allocated for development!!!!
Nevertheless, I did capture some reasons that go beyond what has been documented in auditor genera's report and other reports on isiolo county budget incredible cases.

I will be back with those reasons why isiolo county had the worst incredible budgets and how our greedy and clueless MCA's have failed to do their job.

See you soon..


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