In whose hands are you safe

 Dear Borana community FROM MY HOME COUNTY OF ISIOLO.

The people of kinna.

I great you  all the way from Mt. Kenya west.

It hurts me to see the people I love so dearly being hit by drought this hard and nothing seems to be done.It pains the most by the fact that we are not marginalized anymore. It disturbs that ISIOLO county government has the budgetary allocation meant to help our people during this hard times is somewhere in the pockets of our son's whom we choose to serve us.

Dear friends and family, I have gone mute for quite some time.I do understand the concerns of those of you asking about my kinna ward candidature next year in shaa Allah. I understand that most of you expecialy youth and students in higher institutions of learning have a very huge hope in me and me quiting this important course will break your hearts. I'm here to assure you that I am not a quiter and will never be one.

I was quietly observing the political turn of events in our county. I was studying our with lack of better words "evil'' "negative" "divisive" "deceptive" "lies" and fool of heatred local politics and it's players . I learnt that isn't easy to even come close to our local politics and it's environment if you have the interest of the people at heart. This is where everything has been designed to lock good people out and pave way for the most corrupt and selfish invividuals simply because being selfless and by virtual of sharing everything you have to help your people in their time of need. So many people always ask me do you have enough money to run for this post? Others suggest that I aquire un imaginable amount of money first ,invest heavily before I get into politics.Quite a number of people whom some are close to my family assume that I'm undeniably rich so they automatically lebbeled me a cow they can milk every morning and evening.How I wish they know me enough, If only they knew that if Allah (s.w) could have blessed me with such resources enough for me to cater for the needs of the needy people for whom I'm fighting for I couldn't even bother running for the post.If only I had enough to sponsor each and every son's/daughters from kinna who are in the higher institutions of learning that non of them can drop out or defer semesters because of lack of fees.If only I have enough to take care of each and every orphan in kinna by esterblishing fully equipped modern orphanage (children's home) that will provide not only orphans but also each and every child from disadvantaged family regardless of where they come from.I couldn't  ask any elective post because that's the foundational dream before my time expires in this world. How I wish everyone of you understands that I'm not in this thing to seek employment.That Alhamdulilah I'm doing just fine even now taking care of everyone whose responsibility is lying over my shoulders.And for the record I'm not the kind of person who will accumulate wealth, completely ignore the needy  people back home just to come and bribe them during electioneering alot of money out through fundraising and such event's. I don't have that gut to completely refuse to pick call or reply text to make a contribution and keep sons/daughters of our needy people in schools.To help raise what I have for our people in hospital beds, those from disadvantaged family getting married and so on only to come and give out some years later just to seek attention from people so that you can ask for their votes and then disappear for another 5 years regardless of winning losing the election. I'm sorry I'm different and I don't have such insane money.

I thought that it will be easy ,that our elders and anyone involved would at least consider the agenda your selling to them.That the amount of money you have or your age  is a non issues in serving the people.Then I learned that selfishness is one of the major obstacles that has gone as far as planting itself in community and families. 

A disease of unholy alliance has emerged which is a corruption between corrupt elders Business people the professionals and corrupt politicians. This is like first task of the leader or statesmanship in this society; some highest echelons of the government leadership also take advantage from corruption or embezzlement from the public resources. 

That's why our people go through such hardships even after Devolution, simply because of poor and corrupt leadership. This gives me a feeling that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, because it’s absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; not being among those who makes decisions on our behalves, dissatisfaction with the Isiolo county governments existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in me a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are. So there is no way I can quit in bringing about positive changes,may be I'm the only hope I just  want to be given opportunity to make things right. I have what it takes, I just need that one chance.

Its clear that those in our leadership lack ethics as the culture is to grab power, money, or satisfy your ego. We have given into the culture of materialism, we turn to be capitalists, which means that we urgently need to fight this cancer of bad leadership where politicians lie for their own selfish interests while good government means when the politicians lie to us for their own good. Material racing is a very bad as it gave birth to self-centred and self-glorifying thing for the public good. Politicians are good to point finger on each other while they in bubbles and people across this street are jobless,some are having their wages frozen or reduced. Wages are stagnant, but food, energy, toll roads, healthcare costs continue to rise. Day after day, we see OUR money being used to line individuals pockets. I think corruption in ISIOLO county is so out of control that it is sickening. People are scared to blow horn for the fear of their lives that often leads to anger, as it does with ignorance. Why are they scared? And all those in front line to take control of the county affairs are the same rich sons of Borana community whom only help people only during campaigns. So in whose hands are we safe even?

I don't know which way yet but I hope we will find a right way and I hopefully be among the right people and together we serve our community the way they need to be served.


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