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To kinnoye youth as much as I acknowledge the hardship we faced growing up I’d recommend being poor to anyone - you can actually learn a lot about what really matters in life.The choice is ours my dear brothers and sisters.

Greetings my home town (kinnoye) youth,

From IBRATA to you'll.

Today I'm here to tell you this "All experiences are an opportunity to learn, growing up poor isn't any different in this respect. It is up to the individual to learn from it. As such, it may give us  a better appreciation for what we have. It may help us  to better understand what is a need and what is a want. And it may help us to learn to work hard for the things we need and want but only when we decide to move and seek for every opportunity to better our lives.. staying at home after acquire our national identification cards would only make us grow to a doom society.wake up and do whatever you got to do and help yourself grow remember there is always a room to self empowerment and grow.dont take long to realize this please.

Those of us who struggled with poverty, while growing up, see the world as a very different place than those raised in the middle-class or in wealthy households.

In my rich habit observation 41% of the 177 self-made wealthy people we know  were raised in poor households.even in our society we can observe this.

Yet, somehow they managed to break out of their poverty as adults.

Ironically, according to my research, being poor actually endows us with certain advantages over the middle-class and the wealthy...the problem with our generation is we have developed a trait of just staying at home and doing the same meaningless this each and's so hard to see young people from kinna go out and do positive things to better their lives..imgne all those potential youth just loitering around in a place like kinna..where they just wake up go to the market center have their "surba and tools" meditate all night,go to sleep and repeating the same year in year out? How sad is this situation?Now because of this our beloved town has become hot bed of marijuana usage... obviously since the only income generating activities in our area is livestock of which quite a good number of our people don't even possess them, and even those few who possess them dont usually benefits from them also other activities is meant to be farming and it's being completely impossible for us do to lack of enough water for irrigation,lack of modern tools of farming and above all lack of ready market for even those who go extra miles to produce what they possibly's hard to see young people to not use the short cut which is drug selling to make ends meet...a place where their is no youth training nearby, where the main secondary school "kinna secondary" which is meant to acquire students with knowledge is infact where they acquire all the immorality, and seeing almost 90% of the students completing primary schools have been admitted to thesame kinna secondary school for the past 10 years or so...The society just witnessing and accepting their younger generation being intoxicated with all form of immorality then realised to thesame society! And nobody seems to bother!'s time to use our poverty experience change us for better fellow youths.

You have to listen to me please.

Brothers and sisters we must be more Willing to Take Risks.

One of the common denominators among all of the self-made wealthy people in my observation, was the need to become comfortable with taking risk.key motivational factor.

Growing up poor forces us to take risks in the pursuit of wealth.

Overcoming the fear of taking risks, therefore, becomes our habits.

With respect to my work hard and accomplishing goals in life observation made from self made wealthy people, the fear of taking risk resurfaced only after they accumulated their wealth.

At that point, the fear of losing their hard-earned wealth motivated them to hire wealth advisors, insurance agents, CPAs, Estate Planners and other financial advisors to help them preserve their wealth.

So, becoming rich actually lowered their tolerance for taking risks, risks which could potentially decrease their wealth. 

Our Desire to Change must be Great.

Poverty can either beat us down or make you stronger.its always about choices we make, there was a borana proverb that says "mili them ratha ka taa jibich" which means we always have to go out of our confort zone,do what we gora do to fulfill our goals, it quite discouraging and sad to witness our youth just spend their energetic phase of their lives just staying at home without doing nothing, instead of going out and doing meaningful things.. therefore developing stanted growth and become liability to the society they were ment to give back to...let's wake up and fly from home so that we can better our lives guys.its worth it.

For the self-made wealthy in my observation, moving out of their confort zone in their quest to better their lives  made them stronger and it can better ours too once we decide to.

That’s why I can tell you all that once we decide to take poverty we have been facing can only motivates us to achieve , surely we can achieve in Shaa Allah.

Our  desire to become successful and rich have to drive us to transform ourselves just like those before us.

The desire to change must motivate us to learn what we need to know in order to succeed.this is how people raise their standards.

It should also forced us to develop and perfect superior skills in order to earn more than our competition.

We have no othewise but to develop Superior Work Ethic

A hard work ethic is a prerequisite to success.

Those of us who are raised in poverty, have no choice but to work hard we must work hard once we move out of our home and establish ourselves.Thus, we the poor have no othewise but to develop a hard work ethic.

When we're are able to combine that hard work ethic with our dreams and goals, what a powerful combination!

Those who  grow up in an environment of comfort, are always less willing to do the hard work success requires.this is why most of the time we can easily grow faster and become more responsible than those rich fellas.i just want urge each and everyone poor sons and daughters trying their level best, doing what they have to do to make ends meet to observe superior work ethic earn employers trust and continue improving each and every day.. remembering where we came from and those beloved family members who look up to us and society at Large is more than enough to keep us on check.

Failure Doesn’t have to scare us Much.we must keep moving.

One of the downsides of failure, is that failing at something can put you in the poor house.

 growing up poor, we usually don’t fear poverty as much, because it is something we're are familiar with and something we already survived.

Therefore, failure does not frighten us as much and, in fact,it must emboldens us to take risks...if you want to take any step in making our lives better we have to take it,most especially starting a business.

Poverty has Removed Rose-Colored Lenses in our eyes already.we just have to open our eyes guys.

 growing up poor we have seen things through a much different lens.

We know life can be very hard when you are poor.

Things can and do go wrong.

We know that because we experienced that growing up in poverty.

The experience of poverty allows us to see things as they really are and not allow ourselves to be blinded by unrealistic rose-colored optimism.thats why you can see us being sychophants of failed leaders and always call a spade a spade and refuses some favours from those who want to manipulate us after realizing our potential.

Being anchored in reality, allows us to see potential pitfalls ahead of time, which enables us to navigate and pivot around those pitfalls.

Those who are not raised in poverty, might see things as they wish them to be and be blind to reality, until it hits.

And when it hits, it’s always a surprise, leaving you ill-prepared to deal with that reality.

We must be  always Comfortable With Failure and Setbacks

Being raised in poverty we have  become familiar with failure and setbacks.

Consequently, when things go wrong, as they often do in the pursuit of wealth, those raised in poverty don’t raise the white flag and surrender.we never give up

Rather, we see failure and setbacks as normal and something that can be overcome.we have no choice.

We are accustomed to Sacrifice.lets not stay in our confort zones

Growing up poor means we were unable to possess the things non-poor people take for granted.

Poverty forces us to become accustomed to doing without.

This actually is a great advantage.

The pursuit of wealth always requires sacrifice.

Sometimes for many years.

If you’re accustomed to sacrifice, it’s less painful and more tolerable.we just have to work hard.

Frugality have to be our Habits

We the poor have no choice but to be frugal with our spendings.

We must  forge the frugality habit at a very young age.

And, as we know, habits are hard to break.

This frugality habit, therefore, must follow us the poor into our  wealthy adult lives.

We have to change our narative and believe that growing up poor is not necessarily a disadvantage.

Poverty forces us to develop certain traits that can actually be leveraged to our advantage, helping us in the pursuit of our dreams and goals.all we got to do is leaving our homes and just go,do whatever it is we have to do so long as it's halal and make our lives better, look at your elder parents,look at your siblings , look how they are suffering... atleast they have done what they can and put your through secondary schools even if it's kinna secondary school where the dream of our students is always shuttered, but you have got the advantage of attaining your O' level certificate, ask yourself what you can do to help your parents and atleast ease their pain? What you can do for your siblings and make sure they don't have to go the hardship you have been through? Atleast make them study in a real secondary schools where they can actually pass well and join higher learning institutions to persue their can afford to stay at home year in year out ..just pack and go don't bother where your away from a place like kinna guys you can always come back more established.belive me.


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