Alhamdulilah so far so good.

This far I Thank Allaah Because Self-development is NOT something i can achieve and then forget about…

Another important thing  I'm understand now is that if I will not working on myrself consciously and consistently then myself-growth graph will fall flat over time. 

It’s a saying in the business world, that in order for a business to survive and remain, it needs to grow.

A plant needs water to grow or else it dies.

A relationship needs understanding and love in order to grow or else it dies slowly.

Muslims need to work on their faith in order to grow closer to Allah and strengthen their beliefs or else their faith will weaken till it dies.

Same as we need to work on my health, body and mind. If we don’t put effort in staying healthy and fit, we will start gaining weight and become unhealthy.

I learnt that I have to Go for what I want. And Don’t expect life or someone else to do the hard part for me. The harder the tribulation the greater the rewards!all I want is to give back to my society and founding HOPE FOUNDATION is but just a step on the right direction.alhamdulilah.

You know verybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.veryone of us want better things but no one wants to take the time out of their day or make the commitment of actually going through with it. I realized that if I were to want to get better things i need to have the willingness to sacrifice.with the great team in shaa Allah we're going to sacrifice for the sake of our community @HOPE FOUNDATION

Friendship is like peeing on myself: everyone can see it, but only I can get the warm feeling that it couldn't have been posible to do whatever we have done nomatter how little @HOPE FOUNDATION if it we not for the good friends I had.. forever thankful to you all.

I learnt that I Don’t have to be worried about what other people think because they do not feel what i feel. It’s best to decide my life according to my terms. Afterall I'm  the one who will feel the direct impact of my decisions.i got enough loyal and good friends to push our mission forward as HOPE FOUNDATION...those who thinks this is a good course are welcomed and those who feel otherwise,we just don't care about their views,we just have to do what we have to do and live moves on.

You know a diamonds merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. Therefore the Them more pain and pressure we can withstand the stronger we become. Whenever we will go through some hardships we just know that it will make us stronger and better when we rise up from the ashes.

We believe Even if we  are on the right track, we"ll get run over by those with bad intentions if we just sit there. So Even if we know the answers, if we don’t do anything with it, we will eventually be left behind as things change and adapt to new challenges that emerge.

Life is like a sewer… what we get out of it depends on what we put into it.if we put in little work, we sure will get little rewards If we put in a lot of work, then we might get even greater rewards.

And The road to success is always under construction.Which is why we always should make ourown path in life. Even though  we got a few cuts and bruises going through the bush, we have arrived  here before everyone else.HOPE FOUNDATION is the only charitable organization in isiolo county.And failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.we understand Failure is what makes success so sweet.we have to always put ourc faith in Allaah..wake back up and try again.

As There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.we have realize when something is a fruitless endeavor. If keep doing something that doesn’t work,  we will be wasting our efforts, our little money and precious the most important thing for us to concentrate on now is HOPE FOUNDATION.

And Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.we have big dreams, And we always had many doubters. It’s natural, so we don’t have to be overly discouraged by nay-Sayers.what someone else thinks about us is their problem not ours.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why it's  recommend it daily.It has been our dream to get back to our community at some point in time and we believe now is the time....our lives most persistent and urgent question is, What are we doing for others? I believe Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected society a more hopeful, stable ,litterate hungerfree and peaceful place.

The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to matter– to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that we have lived at all.And if  we have to touch the past, we can touch a rock.  If we have  to touch the present, we can be touching a flower.  And since we want to touch the future, then we must touch lives ...hence the birth of HOPE FOUNDATION...meant to improve and change lives of our society.

I just have to say Alhamdulilah for this far and thank you to my friends who stood up for this great shaa Allaah we will achieve our mission and objectives.

the tranfomation is just wonderful Alhamdulilah.



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