HOPE FOUNDATION is glad to have taken Nonviolent direct action as far as Community development and walfare is concerned; we are a very few group of people who decided to take action to reveal an existing problem in our society , highlighted an alternative or demonstrated a possible solution to a social issue in our community which is not being addressed through traditional societal institutions (governments, religious organizations or established trade unions) to the satisfaction of the direct action participants.(poor Community)..we are glad to see others coming out to serve the poor and needy in kinna..we appreciate those who felt the urgent need to feed our community whom more than 75% of it's population are striving in hunger during these hard pandemic times.future seems bright.


Welcome and borrow more ideas for the sake of our society.

HOPE FOUNDATION is only a month and half old since we decided to matigate the challenges our community are facing and today we are more than happy to witness extension of our activities launched by other members of our society in kinna ward ,we are headed to a right direction I guess

Philanthropic funders, financial institutions, both county/national government agencies, nonprofits, and local community development agencies have, over the past 10 or more years, engaged in a variety of place-based funding initiatives as a way to concentrate investments in kinna ward and isiolo at large to achieve measurable community revitalization results.yet there was nothing to smile about as people always tend to put self-interest above society interests while working under Community development initiative banner..The most look a like "ambitious "initiatives have aimed to concentrate multiple investments in both infrastructure and human capital in a our locations for self gains at the cost of society's interest leading to funders differing with them considerably in the ways they structure and operate place-based investments, for the most part they have tried to support the initiatives as a partner with community stakeholders.But it was unfortunate that not a single of this groups of individuals had the interest of people at heart and always the outcome of every organizations be it govermtal or non governmental only benefit the few at the cost of poor Community.

While forming HOPE FOUNDATION  the only charitable organization in isiolo county we look at the long history Community development and, more recently, community change strategies, especially those focused on economically vulnerable and ethnically marginal populations since devolution, we have to acknowledge that they represent abundant evidence of failure...the long shadow cast by the past tends to be especially problematic in Isiolo county where the failure to deliver on ambitious promises, the divide between residents and reformers, and the top-down, non-inclusive way in which change initiatives were introduced and executed have left a wake of distrust with which new efforts have to contend. We belive Distrust can be overcome...But it takes time (often more time than initiative horizons or an impatient society are willing to allow), as well as superb leadership skills and a genuine commitment to authentic community engagement.

Since some learned and local political leaders have decided to follow our lead and decided to help us fight hunger and feed poor through fundraising program in kinna..we at HOPE FOUNDATION wish to share more ideas with those concerned on Community development projects by reflected on Building on lessons learned from decades of practice, and urge you to merge several place-based initiatives involving multiple public and private partners, each playing different roles at different times in isiolo expecialy kinna ward  to be  coordinated by a strong local entity (or "quarterback"):for the sake of our society.

Through research and case studies, HOPE FOUNDATION gives  best practices about place-based initiatives a leway to recognize the following strategies as far as Community development is our main goal.the following is ideas we like you to borrow as well for our society's sake.

First  Start with a carefully conceived plan. Build on what has been proven to work elsewhere, and start with a strong theory of change describing the steps necessary and partnerships required to achieve desired outcomes of liberating our people from poverty and hardships.we are more than willing to help where possible.dont just wake up and do things out of the blues.

Kindly practice Bricksand mortar because it's necessary though not sufficient. Linking people and place-based strategies within a master vision. Promising practices lean toward provision of funds for education, social services, health care, and other community services to promote upward mobility and improved quality of life for  our society . honestly speaking being in leadership position you got the capacity.

 Promote strong local partners to work together. Supporting local partners with the proven capacity to deliver results. Share responsibility for learning and results with grantees and partners. Like any partnership, the clearer the terms and the more consistently they are implemented, the more successful the we will likely be as far as helping our society is concerned.

 Pay close attention to civic infrastructure. Community engagement, collaborative partnerships across sectors and geographies, and explicitly connecting a given community to the larger systems that surround it are vital. A neighborhood's trajectory is often shaped more by its regional context than by local interventions, and place-based efforts should help connect community leaders like yourselves with networks outside the community where decisions or levers of change rest.

Engage  the community. Community outreach and organizing, structured community planning, and early action investments are critical. Allow time to build deep understanding of the neighborhood that can shape the pace and nature of engagement. Specify clearly what is meant by terms like "community ownership" and "resident driven." Respectfully engage issues of poor and riches and how to discuss and see how the many poor majority being manipulated by few rich fellas.

Develope  a good governance structure.define  clearly the rules of engagement from the start. Be clear about long-term expectations by the community from your group. Be prepared for the time and sustained capacity building it takes to build a strong governance group, which can be a two- to three-year process itself unlike now.

 Build community capacity for implementation. Reaching clarity about the various roles and responsibilities related to technical assistance. Determining when investments in developing strategic capacity for implementation make sense and provide needed time and resources. Align leadership development strategies with the initiative's goals.initiate policies as per the need of our society...and invest in what benefits the community.

Provide Management toward measureable goals. Lasting community revitalization will ultimately require change along multiple dimensions. Initiatives must be clear about the goals that will define success and metrics for assessing progress.about policies that will benefit our people and so on

We  also tend to highligt the most common challenges facing place-based initiatives, including:

Short-term funding for long-term work: local leadership in kinna ward are are doing commendable job to raise funds in order to feed those hungry and needy especially Orphans in this critical times...but something more must be done according to community development experts at all levels, challenges facing distressed communities like ours that have been decades in the making will take a decade or more to unwind. There is a fundamental disconnect between the traditional horizons of public and private funding (and public will) and the needs of most communities targeted for instance those in kinna ward with place-based initiatives coming up with Community-based management: it's evident that the pragmatic challenge of management in place-based initiatives continues. This includes managing accountable partnerships and collaborations; identifying, collecting, and using data to manage and improve performance; building strong backbone organizations; strategically and practically sequencing activities and programs; and authentically incorporating community engagement, resident voice, and the dynamics of poverty and hunger in the initiative's strategy and work...you can't be in a leading position and instead of atleast scratching a longer term solutions to this abnormal level of poverty in our society and just act as a syphathiser.

Work on Residents engagement: This is one of the thorniest issues in community revitalization. According to HOPE FOUNDATION, resistance from within the community has often been a key dynamic when an initiative falters. And resistance, not surprisingly, tends to crystallize the more Community receive themselves to be excluded from decision making.

For most people it will come as no surprise that historically entrenched problems in an economically distressed in isiolo expecialy kinna ward , often exacerbated by conditions outside the our community, are very difficult to solve and take time. Changing the dynamics between people, the places where they live, and the power structures that affect their outcomes is complex. But HOPE FOUNDATION approaches do offer reason for hope.We are supringly motivated and greatful witnessing other people following expecialy local leadership of kinna ward following our urgent  lead on fighting HUNGER and feeding poor and or Orphans in kinna, our aim was to feed those hungry members of our society as we witnessed that most of them hardly get food stuffs to feed their families whom most are children...our call was "if you can't feed 100 people feed one"And for people to share what they have with their neighbors not necessarily through HOPE FOUNDATION but by all means possible.. there is no need of watching your neighbors sleeping hungry while you have more than enough on your table...Anyone or Any group of people working towards feeding our hungry families and undertaking any form of Community development in our society is our friend/partner.the end result is all that matters.

HOPE FOUNDATION empowering Community and changing lives.


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