Government, in the last analysis, is organized opinion. Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government.And isiolo county government is the perfect example.

From Ibrahim Musa wario 
To isiolo county residents
Its not flesh and blood but the heart whmakes us a community. 


It's time isiolo county civil societies,the learned class,the activits and religious leaders to put their head together and put resources and time for policy advocacy that will encompasses the projects that isiolo people actually need to eradicate this abnormal high level of poverty in our society.

I have to start by asking the people of isiolo county this question

 What is public policy advocacy?

Advocacy encompasses a wide range of activities that influence decision makers. Advocacy includes traditional activities such as litigation, lobbying, and public education. It can also include capacity building, relationship building, forming networks, and leadership development. Lobbying refers to activities that are intended to influence a specific piece of this end our county assembly is the one responsible for this legislation because it's their primary duty to lagislate and pass budgetary allocation to invest public fund in projects that will benefit and improve living standard of the poor electorate who elected them and gave them that job..

But the question is what is the electorate needs to do if the people we elected to play such a role are at the front line in looting thesame funds meant to generate project for the interest of the society and rather make it their self interests... isiolo county assembly have been over the years misappropriating County budget to benefit their own interest and interest of those in executive can't even tell which side is lagislative side and which side is executive....we are the only county where it's minority leadership given by political parties as provided in the Constitution is forcefully replaced by majority members who belong to a rulling party! anything and I mean anything can happen in our assembly these days...

Why must we advocate is the question at this point?

Nonprofit organizations/civil societies/religious groups ,human Right activists and all the stakeholders play a vital role in the development and implementation of public policy to promote an informed, healthy, and strong democratic society. We have to witness and must respond to the impact of public policies on our society, whether they are at-risk kids, individuals and families experiencing homelessness, or those expressing themselves through the arts. Few institutions are closer to the real problems of people for real  .the best example of those trying their best is Human right activist in our county and I thank them for their endless effort to fight for the voiceless society.

I wonder where  Non-profits organization are who  can actually be an important bridge between policy makers and their constituents. Effective advocacy builds our capacity to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people and communities in our county. Engaging in public policy advocacy can also raise awareness of your organization’s mission, mobilize their constituents, and attract positive media attention.but where are they?

For example the following is summary of isiolo county assembly financial year 2018/2019.

Revenue: Money that the county government raises for its activities

The table below shows a summary of revenues for FY 2018/19.

Summary of Revenue Projections

Revenue Source Amount(Ksh) Percentage 

National Equitable Share 3,925,000,000 83%

Conditional Grants

Supplement to construction of County Head Quarters 121,000,000 3%

Fuel Levy 103,341,833 2%

Rehabilitation of village Polytechnics 21,235,000 0.45%

User Fee Foregone 3,472,461 %

Donor Funds

Universal health care in devolved system program 


12,656,250 0.27%

Transforming Health System for universal health care 


66,229,830 1%

Climate Smart Agricultural Project(WB) 150,000,000 3%

Urban Support Project(WB) 93,968,100 2%

Urban Support Project(WB)-Dev 41,200,000

Kenya Devolution Support Project(WB) 38,668,826 1%

Local Revenue 150,861,337 3%

Total 4,727,633,637 100%

leasing of Medical Equipment 200,000,000 Deducted at 

Where has all this resources went to is a burning question...since assembly has become part of executive and their is nobody to overnight what can we do?

What is our population extimate again as per 2019 cenncus?

268k people.note.

 it is estimated that nearly 150k mobile pastoralists around isiolo use to generate food and incomes for their communities, and contribute to biodiversity conservation and to climate change mitigation. Pastoral systems are sustainable low-input systems that are extremely adaptable to the particular environment and to the specific socioeconomic conditions. Yet, our pastoral communities are often marginalized, lacking political recognition and proper political and institutional support 8 years after devolution. As a result, they are often confronted with difficult access to natural resources and with insecure land and water tenure rights, which in some cases can cause conflicts you see what's happening in Garbatulla sub county where our people are always living in tentions fearing attacks from our neighbors (somali Community) . In addition our people in pastoral areas often lack proper infrastructure, they have limited access to markets and basic services generally remains scant and distant. where is the market even? The multinational sloughter project has been intentionally installed for years now. Despite efforts made in recent years by Human right activist in Isiolo,researchers, civil society and development practitioners, the gap between policymakers and pastoralists remains.

We have to have a project, therefore, that builds on existing initiatives and tries to close this gap by producing practical recommendations for effective policies and programmes, and strengthening the advocacy potential of local CSOs and their networks. A stronger participation to policymaking and better designed policies will contribute to the support of prosperous pastoralists’ livelihoods/farming and to their wellbeing.this can only be done is all the civil society organizations, the professionals, business class and all stakeholders start debating this urgent issue in one voice.

Yes we are all  selfish at some level but it's time to be selfless for once since the MCA's are good at that.Our self-interest must be on  based model to work, however,  needs an additional element. Who can assure us that many people (butchers, herders, and farmers) seeking their various personal interests will in fact automatically produce social order, wealth, and general well-being instead of chaos, conflict, and widespread conflicts?

To describe the benefits of free, self-interested individual initiative philosopher by the name Smith introduced the concept of the invisible hand (“they are led by an invisible hand to…without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of society,” (Smith, 1984 [1759], IV.I.1, pp. 184–185)); this is an image we also find in 1751 in another author, Ferdinando Galiani of Naples, who was part of the classical school of economics." Political science students are well aware of this philosophies and we have so many of them the question is what are they doing about it?

The emulation of the rich and powerful by other citizens in their service is the primary passion that motivates people and entire populations; it is the most powerful mechanism for producing wealth and the common good. This desire to imitate others leads simple people to work ever harder so they can be able to one day afford the same wealth as the people for whom they work.  the example of the poor man's son who endures great fatigue, working night and day to be able to acquire greater talents than his competitors is the best example.

Yes we are all passionate  to accumulate wealth which,is  recalling ’ end, that might almost call morbid – rests on a psychological mechanism of which individuals are unconscious victims;the idea that the rich are happier, and thus that becoming more wealthy and powerful means being happier, seems to me as self-deception of the century.  this idea is completely false if we have humanity at heart for real, since the happiness of the wealthy is actually not much different from that of the poor if I must say .how can you be happier Because you have gone to a good school and got yourself a good job while you're families and relatives are lungishing in poverty just because some ex- primary school teachers are looting their resources at county assembly? 

Why can't we see behind the image of the invisible hand a widespread sense of confidence in a “sound reason,” which is sometimes called “Providence,” that devised the society in such a way that individuals acting in their own self-interest contribute to the common good, or the wealth of the county, without either wanting or knowing that they do so – as long as the economic and social system are well organized through appropriate institutions and laws that ensure fundamental rights (such as life, liberty, property, public order, and justice) and safeguard their free exercise which isiolo county have been lacking over thevyears. yes we are living a good life but the rest of our population that constituents almost 80% are suffering in pooverty yet they have around 4.2bksh in the hands of corrupt leaders...if not the learned class who is going to give awareness to our illiterate society on policies that suit them the most?

The time to be selfless and act is now.


From Kinna ward

Isiolo County.


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