
Showing posts from July, 2020

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.the message we @HOPE FOUNDATION have been and are here to portray to great people of isiolo county.

I am Ibrahim Musa wario Executive director HOPE FOUNDATION   The great people of Isiolo county today on a most important  spiritual day in our calendar as we gather and celebrate iddul adha and talk about our most valued personality trait we must practice as Muslims.  I have chosen to tell you about being kind the basis on which we formed HOPE FOUNDATION just recently. According to Mark Twain “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Our aim was to remind each and every member of our society  to guard well within themselves that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.” as said by GeorgeSand, a French novelist and memoirist. All these wonderful successful people have left a legacy for us to follow, that to with great affection. Whatever may be happening around you, however difficult the times are or a situation may be, what you do and what you g...

HOPE FOUNDATION TOUCHING LIVES...May this Eid bring happiness, joy, Allah's blessings and love… Eid MUBARAK to you and your family.

We touch needy in our society  mostly without touching them: We touch them with our kind donations courtesy of other kind-hearted people,with our words, with our smile, with our eyes, with our courage, with our madness, with millions of different ways! What are we? We are HOPE FOUNDATION We are contacting beings without contacting!

we have brains in our head. we have feet in our shoes. we can steer ourselves any direction we choose. we're on our own. And we know what we know. And WE are the one who'll decide where to go...

Ibrata Executive director of HOPE FOUNDATION. We are meant for greatness the best one I have learnt, People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. We just have to Love them anyway. If we do good, people will accuse us of selfish ulterior motives. But we must do good anyway. If we are successful, we will win false friends and true enemies. We have to Succeed anyway. The good we do today will be forgotten tomorrow. But we must be determined to Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make us vulnerable. But we must be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. We must Think big anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. We gara Fight for a few underdogs anyway. What we  spend years building may be destroyed overnight. We have to continue Building anyway. People really need help but may attack us if we do help them. We gara continue Helping people anyw...

IBRAHIM MUSA WARIO,. sincere message to kinna youth.... I noticed that There is too much negativity in our society. we must do our best to make sure we aren't contributing to it.

It's about time we stand up be positive and encourage the spirit of being human and giving back to our society that needs us so dearly in this hard don't have to do what your not able to do for sure, some times even just being nice to one another is more than enough,I mean lifting people up with your words in every situation other than pulling them down may be because of the mistake they have committed is all that matters, advicing our younger lads not to destroy their lives by using hard drugs that's readly available is an incredible form of love and caring,it's Humanity of highest level. Real change is difficult at the beginning. Without the familiar to rely upon, we may not in as much command as we had once been. When things are not going our way, we will start doubting ourselves. Therefor we must Stay positive, keep the faith, and keep moving forward – our breakthrough may be just around the corner. Dear friend/colleges and kinnoye youth at l...

HOPE FOUNDATION... remindes you to remember the poor ones this Eid in shaa Allah.donate to us and help us help needy during this holy days.

AT HOPE FOUNDATION as we continue the fight against hunger in our society we dearly need to feed more families and put a smile on their faces This Eid, as it is important for us  to keep the less privileged in mind to create change in their lives. As many of us enjoy the benefits of Eid gatherings with tables full of food, we must remember those who are disadvanged members of our society  and poverty-stricken. Meat is scarce and often expensive. As we feed those closest to us, we have to consider the needs of our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate in our communities. In the weeks leading up to Eid al-Adha, HOPE Foundation hopes to launch an Udhiya/Qurbani program for donors to support those in need. HOPE FOUNDATION chooses the healthiest animals for sacrifice, ensuring families receive the best quality of meat. Animals are purchased within the the locations of distribution to benefit local economies. All meat is always fresh, delivered to homes right on the first day ...

Kinnoye youth come back to your senses and start discussing on how to solve issues other that grouping and disengaging Each other.

Ibrata Dear fellow brothers in kinna, I just want to tell you that  I  CAN DO SOMETHING WHICH YOU CANNOT, AND YOU CAN DO SOMETHING WE I CAN’T BUT TOGETHER WE CAN DO GREAT Therefore we need each other as a family. We get more courage Whenever we see injustice, we feel like saying but at the same moment we  get afraid, but at the same moment when we get support from each other we  become brave and stand towards that injustice and face it, we get that courage because we  knew that we have people who stand behind us and support us against that injustice, hence in order to deal with any injustice we the youth of kinna should  fight together only then we can see the change we so dearly need. I noticed everyone wants change, but no one wants to become that change, no one wants to stand first, everyone wants others to do something about it, but friends this is  our home and we all must take initiative to do something, hence instead of thinking about the change...

HOPE FOUNDATION is glad to have taken Nonviolent direct action as far as Community development and walfare is concerned; we are a very few group of people who decided to take action to reveal an existing problem in our society , highlighted an alternative or demonstrated a possible solution to a social issue in our community which is not being addressed through traditional societal institutions (governments, religious organizations or established trade unions) to the satisfaction of the direct action participants.(poor Community)..we are glad to see others coming out to serve the poor and needy in kinna..we appreciate those who felt the urgent need to feed our community whom more than 75% of it's population are striving in hunger during these hard pandemic times.future seems bright.

Ibrata, Welcome and borrow more ideas for the sake of our society. HOPE FOUNDATION is only a month and half old since we decided to matigate the challenges our community are facing and today we are more than happy to witness extension of our activities launched by other members of our society in kinna ward ,we are headed to a right direction I guess Philanthropic funders, financial institutions, both county/national government agencies, nonprofits, and local community development agencies have, over the past 10 or more years, engaged in a variety of place-based funding initiatives as a way to concentrate investments in kinna ward and isiolo at large to achieve measurable community revitalization results.yet there was nothing to smile about as people always tend to put self-interest above society interests while working under Community development initiative banner..The most look a like "ambitious "initiatives have aimed to concentrate multiple investments in both ...


Alhamdulilah so far so good. This far I Thank Allaah Because Self-development is NOT something i can achieve and then forget about… Another important thing  I'm understand now is that if I will not working on myrself consciously and consistently then myself-growth graph will fall flat over time.  It’s a saying in the business world, that in order for a business to survive and remain, it needs to grow. A plant needs water to grow or else it dies. A relationship needs understanding and love in order to grow or else it dies slowly. Muslims need to work on their faith in order to grow closer to Allah and strengthen their beliefs or else their faith will weaken till it dies. Same as we need to work on my health, body and mind. If we don’t put effort in staying healthy and fit, we will start gaining weight and become unhealthy. I learnt that I have to Go for what I want. And Don’t expect life or someone else to do the hard part for me. The harder the tribulation the greater the rewa...


Helping The Needy is our prime purpose @HOPE FOUNDATION Sometimes we are fooled by appearances. In my opinion, we should never be sorry if we later discover that we were mistaken while doing a good deed. The need to help should be our first reaction and offering help should be the genuine manifestation of being a good human as our parents taught us to their are dozens of families in isiolo county striving in abstract pooverty, HUNGER is not a fashion but a reality. Sometimes, we may discover we helped the wrong person, but that should not be a reason to stop helping other people in need, even though we were fooled previously. If you want to do good there are opportunities everywhere. Don’t let the fools spoil your good heart donate @HOPE FOUNDATION and help those who need your help dearly in this hard times of COVID-19.

Government, in the last analysis, is organized opinion. Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government.And isiolo county government is the perfect example.

From Ibrahim Musa wario  To isiolo county residents Its not flesh and blood but the heart whmakes us a community.  Ibrata,.. It's time isiolo county civil societies,the learned class,the activits and religious leaders to put their head together and put resources and time for policy advocacy that will encompasses the projects that isiolo people actually need to eradicate this abnormal high level of poverty in our society. I have to start by asking the people of isiolo county this question  What is public policy advocacy? Advocacy encompasses a wide range of activities that influence decision makers. Advocacy includes traditional activities such as litigation, lobbying, and public education. It can also include capacity building, relationship building, forming networks, and leadership development. Lobbying refers to activities that are intended to influence a specific piece of this end our county assembly is the one responsible for this legislatio...

Ibrahim Musa wario (from Kinna ward of g/t sub county Isiolo county.sincere message to learned isiolo residents. dear isiolo county professionals and youth I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is we must change if we are to get better.

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. The given quote is famously believed to be quoted by the great scientist, Einstein. In its first appearance, it may sound a bit clumsy in tone. In reality, though, it is one of the best life lessons one can count upon in life. Ibrata. As I grow older and encounter many aspects of life and try to atleast do what I have to do for my society, with like-minded people,I have learnt that things that matter don't actually count and things/people counted doesn't even matter  I believe being honest in every situation helps you build credibility. When you tell the truth, you never have to retrace your steps. There is real freedom in being able to live without having to keep track of various storylines. Being honest is about living with simplicity. You need not think about what to say or how to frame your argument and it’s that simple. Your honesty helps to build confidence; you gradually end u...


STN Somali TV   first of all I want to take this opportunity to thank Allah (s.A) for the gift of life good healthy and everything he has provided with ... Secondly on behalf of HOPE Foundation KENYA I would like to thank my sister Kame Doti and STN Somali Tv  for the wonderful opportunity they gave us to advocate and air our objectives as @HOPE Foundation KENYA. At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. “In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Our lovely sister Doti Kame giving us such an opportunity to advocate for our society..and be the voice for the voiceless..and we appreciate all the support from our people."thank you is not enough" But at the end of the day it’s not about what we have or even what we’ve a...

HOPE FOUNDATION...hope of our society

We really thank STN Somali tv for giving us such an opportunity to advocate for our society..and be the voice for the voiceless..and we appreciate all the support from our people."thank you is not enough" ButvAt the end of the day it’s not about what we have or even what we’ve accomplished… it’s about who we’ve lifted up, who we’ve made better. It’s about what w’ve given and in shaa Allaah planning to give  back to our society. We believe Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.touching lives everyday is our key driver.


Humanity can be defined as quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Being human does not mean that an individual possesses humanity. If you want to understand the quality of humanity in an individual take note of what he does for people who give noting back in return to the favour they have offered. Even though is was not a Muslim One of the most outstanding examples of extra- ordinary humanity in a human being has been portrayed beautifully by Mother Teresa. Humanity means caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. Humanity means helping others at times when they need that help the most, humanity means forgetting your selfish interests at times when others need your help.and less fortunate,most valuable, orphans and most needy members of our society needs nothing less than humanity at this point in time where covid-19 pandemic has worsen their poverty situations across isiolo county.@Hope Foundation we are h...

‎HOPE FOUNDATION......Interdependence is a fundamental law of nature. Even tiny insects survive by mutual cooperation based on innate recognition of their interconnectedness. It is because our own human existence is so dependent on the help of others that our need for love lies at the very foundation of our existence. Therefore we need a genuine sense of responsibility and a sincere concern for the welfare of us help needy.donate please.

Whether you come from the East, West, North, and South of isiolo county. All of us have something to share and to contribute. We are different from each other, yet we are similar because each of us is Somebody. We may have different clans,tribe,backgrounds , cultures, likes, dislikes, habits, and manners in every way of life. Each difference makes us, a people of variety. It is this difference, this variety, that gives life its wonderful mystery and challenge. For when times get hard we all need to buckle down and help each other. We need courage to make it through hard times, but we need each other to carry us for some days we all need someone to go in search for us. Yes our lives may be different, but what makes us similar is our determination to live life fully....we need each other because we have a similar bond borantity. We need each other to get through all the high's and low's that life hands out to us all.we need each other because we are one family...and today there a...