Aslam aleikum isiolians,
I hope this article finds you well.
I'm writting on how isiolo county assembly have destroyed us the people of isiolo over the years instead of saving us.

Have greedy Mca's, who were meant to save us, destroyed us instead? The answer is YES!

Can a county strategical placed,named Resort city, with alot of resources and quite a large revenue allocation from national government as per it's small population ever going to benefit it's residents from fruit of devolution like other counties in Kenya?How does it happen that our county is among the counties whose residents die from famine?

People who lived in their mothers’ houses became instant millionaires. To have a free hand in their looting spree, they entered into a pact with governor MAK: You let us steal, we let you steal.otherwise known as "thabarsa jede thabarsa" in our local language.

The county assembly in Kenya’s system of devolved government is central to the success or failure of our bold experiment in bringing governance and resources closer to the people.

The county assembly is conceived of as the instrument that brings to life the letter and spirit of the constitutional principles of involving people in governance, and determination of their development priorities.

The County Assembly has the equally important function of checking the county executive, and providing oversight on use of funds. The extent to which the County Assembly succeeds in its functions is the extent to which the idea of devolution will succeed. Therefore, in the devolution scheme, the position of Member of County Assembly (MCA) is more crucial than that of the position of Member of Parliament (MP).

Have isiolo county assemblies lived up to expectations? It is true that some counties  have seen hospitals where there were none, roads where none existed, improved delivery of services, and so on therefore enjoying the fruit of devolution in Kenya.And maybe we also have some roads marrumed and our students have benefited from 5k county bursary programs...But  these kind of peanuts service delivery from our leaders automatically pale when measured against the potential of the devolution idea.

The tragedy of isiolo county, however, is that we use low standards to evaluate our performance. Since devolution, we have developed a culture of applauding a half-full glass as success, whereas other counties like makueni for instance developed a culture that viewed nothing but a full glass as success. 

We have heard, for instance, Governor mohamed Abdi Kuti and his colleagues from the county assembly harangues about how the their government has done better than  the previous governments in fighting corruption and development.

According to this “logic,” we should not complain about the billions stolen at the health docket where they hired an ICU equipments from private hospital while they claimed to have purchased it in the budget, and all the other corruption scandals over the past 2 and half years. Should we persist in doing so? We are reminded of being "Resort City" and that means we are going to develop more than Meru ,Marsabit and Samburu counties..But are we even on the right direction?

But surely, can a county the size of ours with all this corruption cases be a Resort city? Is there a so called resort city  whose residents die from famine? Is there a resort city that  grovels to  others, begging bowl held out after looting their revenue allocation? Only a mindset with a cynical vision of Isiolo can spew such nonsense.

Back to the our greedy MCAs. Their performance over the past  years has been a study in how policies and principles are laid to waste by a spree of looting and incompetence. How these clawns managed to get elected in such a large number is what amazes me.

The Isiolo county MCAs left no doubt whatsoever why they had sought public office: Riches and jet-set lifestyles. They awarded themselves allowance as if they were going out of fashion. They used false travel claims to get more loot. They went on “fact-finding missions” all over the world.forgeting their overnight role and acting as if they are executive members of the county!

Actually this is the worst county assembly compared to previous one..and every inhumane act happening in isiolo is their fault.

If I decide to continue talking about them and their greedy stomach I can talk like forever.

But Stay tuned because this is just a beginning I will roast them and shame them.

Next report loading.......

See you then
Thank you.


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